Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Intro to Us

Welcome to our blog and thanks for taking the time to check it out. We are Shane & Jineen Glover, and the idea for this blog was birthed out of so many conversations, experiences and lessons learned over the years - both what to do and what not to do. Conversations centered around what we have absorbed and observed over the course of 20+ years of marriage, relationship coaching, leading recovery groups and just overall loving, serving and doing life with people. 

Our hope is that we can encourage you, make you laugh, relate, let you know you're not alone and create a dialogue to discuss real, authentic life and all that it brings. 

The following is a transcript of sorts of a conversation we had recently about passion, what we have been created and molded to do in this life, gifts and desires God has given us and what the next chapter might look like for us. Jineen texted this to me, and I wanted to include it here because it gives you a glimpse into some of the "WHY" behind this blog:

I have a feeling we are made for so much more than we know and honestly more than our human minds can comprehend. We are made IN love, to BE love, FOR love, to RECEIVE love, to EXPRESS that love. It really is a simple concept yet one we can’t always seem to get quite right. We allow so many outside things to come between LOVE and separate us from our purpose here on earth. 

What I’ve learned about human nature is that we all want and need love. It is a God given desire and need and something we are all created to be able to give. Why do we make it so difficult? Our stories, upbringings and our own baggage, so often get in the way of our loving and eventually we find ourselves sad, lonely, empty and not feeling loved or knowing how to give it anymore.

We want to share how God has continued to show us His unconditional love, how we have learned, and sometimes learned the hard way, how to keep giving that love away... even when it’s painful. Together we can be an example to those around us of what it means to be love in ALL things and all circumstances even when it’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do. 

And this is the beginning of a conversation... between us and you. Conversations about deep and meaningful things... about the funny and the mundane... about joy and grief... about life. We would love for you to join us. We would love to hear your thoughts.

Shane & Jineen

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