Thursday, April 23, 2020

An Awakening to Love 2.0

We have talked and dreamed about doing this for a while. We've even taken a step here and there. For myriad reasons, we've loaded the gun and cocked the hammer but have never fully pulled the trigger. (I must say... that gun analogy kinda does it for me.... even though I've never owned one and have only shot one a handful of times.) 

At any rate, today's post is to let you know we have taken a deep breath, assumed a strong stance, trained our scope on a target, and we're squeezing the trigger. (Last shooting analogy, I promise.)

We are launching An Awakening to Love. Everything we do will have the aim of having a conversation. While we are not licensed or formally trained counselors, we have been married for over 20 years. Both sets of parents have been married for multiple decades. We have been in and around ministry for a combined 87+ years. Jineen has certification as a relationship coach for women through Laura Doyle, author of The Empowered Wife. We have walked through life with couples both in pre-marital counseling scenarios and through the ups and downs of relationship and marriage. And we have seen our share of struggle, stress, break-of-trust, and uncertainty.

Okay, sales pitch over. Here's the point: we've been around the block, and we are passionate about having a brutally honest conversation around the most important element of all of our lives: relationships.

We would love for you to join us in this conversation. On this blog, we'd love for you to follow and comment. Then the easiest way for you to connect with us is to follow our Instagram account - @anawakeningtolove. Go there and hit the link in the bio. It will take you to links for our social media accounts, our blog and our podcast.

YES! I said podcast. This is what we're most excited about. We would love for you to listen, like and subscribe... and, most importantly, JOIN US IN THE CONVERSATION. Currently, it is on Spotify podcasts and a few other smaller podcast platforms. It will be on Apple podcasts soon. 

We will be having an ongoing conversation via our social media accounts. We will be posting podcast episodes and blog articles weekly. We are so excited about sharing our experience with you and hearing from you about yours. 

Looking forward to connecting,
Shane & Jineen

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An Awakening to Love 2.0

We have talked and dreamed about doing this for a while. We've even taken a step here and there. For myriad reasons, we've loaded ...